Принцип работы фракционного лазера СО2 Работа лазера на кожу происходит по принципу термооптического воздействия тепловой эффект, термокоагуляция, тепловая абляция и супертепловая абляция. The fourth category of laser диодный лазер elexxion киев refers to high-risk, high-power laser products. Скидка на эпиляцию александритовым лазером you have any better advice or questions, please leave a message at our website www. Working area. The ends of the узи аппарат лоджик ф 6 described above can be sealed to retain a lasing gas mixture inside and thereby form an elementary laser. Almost co2 laser tube replacement woman is affected, even professional models.
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- Диодный вертикальный лазер
- Лазерную эпиляцию на аппарате 1s pro
- Cosmo pulse co2 laser
How to Replace the Laser Tube for ChinaCNCzone CO2 Laser Engraving Machine
Получили ли вы финансовую поддержку для поисков этой ТЕМЫ? Были ли вам предоставлены гонорары, выплаты или иная компенсация за вашу работу в этом исследовании? Есть ли у Вас финансовые отношения с лицами, тесно конкурирующими с препаратами, изделиями или приборами, указанными в вашей презентации? Вы владеете или подали заявку на какие-либо патенты по инструментам, лекарствам или материалам для вашего исследования? Эта работа не была поддержана никаким прямым или не прямым финансированием. Находится под собственной ответственностью автора. Introduction: Introduction: Patient today are seeking for non-invasive skin procedures, and also understand the need and importance of preventive treatments.
We are facing a growing challenge of maintaining a youthful, young look but without loosing the natural appearance. Our patients want an out-patient aesthetic treatment with little side effects and a long term outcome- leading to effective but also natural results with minimal recovery time. Results: Results: All patients had improvement in the skin quality: fine wrinkles, pores, tone and overall appearance of the skin with high patient satisfaction rate. The side effects were mild and included: mild bruising, mild edema and transient erythema.
Objectives: Improve the approach to nasal reshaping with injectables. Introduction: Treating the nose with injectables allows the increase in volume and change in shape of the nasal structures. It is therefore especially effective in noses of small dimensions and in cases where increase in volume improves the esthetical harmony. Filling of the hollow radix is among the main indications because it can simulate the presence of a hump. The evolution of the technique in the last years has widened the indications leading to treat cases that normally require a surgical augmentation rhynoplasty with cartilagineous graft and remodelling sutures.
The most frequent treated areas have been the columella simulation of a columellar strut , the tip definition, increase in projection and the dorsum smoothing, augmentation, correction of depressions. Injections have been carried out using the 27G neddle or the 25G cannula selecting the introduction points and plane of placing in order to reduce the risk of intravascular injection. Results: Nose reshaping with IPN like HA showed to be effective both in primary cases but also in secondary corrections in patients who had mild defects or did not want to undergo further surgery. Injection with 27G neddle and 25G cannula. No complications have been reported. Frequent side effects have been mild swelling and bruising. Conclusion: Reshaping of the nose with injectables is particularly effective when a volume increase or a contour smoothing is needed both in the frontal and in the lateral view.
Sometimes it is possible to obtain good results in cases where surgery seems to be the only possible choice. What is carried out with injectables is maily a camouflage: the better shape makes the nose appear smaller even if it actually becomes bigger. It is therefore necessary to explain to the patient the real possibilities of the procedure and try to understand when they have unrealistic expectations. Objectives: To evaluate safety and efficacy of two hyaluronic acid fillers with lidocaine HAL for facial augmentation in an Asian population, with focus on chin data. Introduction: Hyaluronic acid fillers are used for restoring facial volume loss and for contouring of facial features.
While the majority of studies on safety and efficacy of HAL have been performed in North America and Europe, it is desirable to also collect data from an Asian study population as treatment goals may differ. Objectives of this study ClinicalTrials. Touch-up was allowed after 1 month. A second treatment was performed after 12 months in the same treatment areas and with the same product s as used at baseline. Subjects were followed for 24 months after initial treatment.
Assessments included GAIS, subject satisfaction and safety adverse events [AEs] and subject diaries for collection of injection-related events. Results: One hundred subjects, aged years were included, of which 84 and 56 subjects were injected in the chin at first and second treatment, respectively total mean volume: 2. Conclusion: HAL full-face treatment resulted in long-term aesthetic improvement. The chin was the most prioritized treatment area in this Asian study population following the mandatory sites of upper cheeks and nasolabial folds.
Да Укажите лица физическое лицо, предприятие, ассоциация : Employed by Galderma. Эта работа представлена благодаря поддержке: Galderma. Results: 62 white females age years [mean 49] participated in the EU study. Both injection volumes achieved early onset of effect, high effectiveness, and long duration of effect. Injection pain levels and safety profiles were similar between groups, with no serious AEs. Both injection volumes achieved clinically significant improvements in appearance and severity of GLs with acceptable safety profiles no serious AEs.
Conclusion: In both studies, the two injection volumes of the 50 U of ABO administered were well-tolerated and effective for treatment of glabellar lines, and there were no significant differences in safety or efficacy between injection volumes. Да Укажите лица физическое лицо, предприятие, ассоциация : I am employed by Galderma. Эта работа представлена благодаря поддержке: Galderma Aesthetics. Objectives: The goal of our prospective clinic study is to evaluate the efficacy a a new FDA-cleared tissue stabilized-guided subcision TS-GS system for improving the appearance of cellulite dimples on buttocks and posterolateral thighs Introduction: For improving the appearance of cellulite, in our busy centers for cosmetic surgery in Italy, we have introduced in a new FDA-cleared tissue stabilized-guided subcision TS-GS system which was alleged to be minimally invasive and to stabilize the clinical results for 3 years.
We analyzed patients by digital 2D macro-photographs and by a 3D biomechanical device for quantitative approach to soft tissue change assessment. Patient satisfaction was assessed through physician review of 2D and 3D photography, and the Global Assessment of Improvement Scale GAIS at baseline, three and twenty four month post-treatment. Patients that underwent any buttocks aesthetic or surgical procedure in the last 6 months, or presented fat excess or ptosis on buttocks were excluded. Results: 60 women of average age Moreover, GAIS scores indicated that all patients had visible improvement in the global appearance of their cellulite. Analysis of 3D imaging yielded Conclusion: The physician ratings, patient satisfaction, and photographic evidence prove the safety and efficacy of the TS-GS system in the management of cellulite in women in the buttocks and posterolateral thighs.
Objectives: Audience: Medical Professionals. Knowledge: Best practice, Predictions, technology. Understand: Investing in your future growth and legacy. Apply: Creating solutions for your clients; strategy for digital disruption and prepare for your future workforce. Evaluate - Key considerations for the successful implementation of customer experience, data analytics, technology and best practice.
Introduction: Medical Aesthetics is evolving at a rapid pace. Businesses need to focus on creating their future now or get left behind. It combines the elements of best practice, investing in technology and people. Objectives: To show and demonstrate the major principles of secure thread applications. Introduction: 6 Years experience with thread applications and last 4 years study in country as complication management author.
How we can prevent doctors and patients from undesirable results. What are the trouble areas for patients and doctors for thread applications. Practitioners prevent threads related problems and complications. Conclusion: Thread procedure is a new area for that reason these procedures should be done by certified and experienced practitioners. Thread trainings should be cover cadaver and live hands on sessions. Main principles of secure thread interventions. Objectives: The attendees will be able to understand the psychology and current trends of young male patients seeking cosmetic procedures. Introduction: Although older male patients feel they need cosmetic procedures to stay competitive at the work force, younger male patients are more adventurous and believe in prevention.
In fact, millenials make sure to put money aside for their cosmetic procedures. Results: Level of young male attractiveness increase after cosmetic procedures. Objectives: To illustrate a novel technology that can contour the body by getting rid off unwanted belly fat and at the same time strengthen the core and increase muscle mass. There were also significant improvement on non invasive buttlifting effect. Conclusion: HIFEM is a novel treatment for those patients that one to get rid off unwanted but also improve their muscle core strength and mass.
M with approach from the upper incision. M, is released. Эта работа представлена благодаря поддержке: 3dtechomegazeta. Treatment options include topical and systemic retinoid therapy with unsatisfactory results in most cases. Ablative laser treatments are utilized in an effort to induce clearance of lesions but treatment settings must be optimized regarding recurrences and side effects owing to laser therapy. During a follow up period of 6 months, only mild recurrences were noted which were controlled by topical diclofenac gel therapy. Conclusion: Fractional erbium:YAG laser can be regarded as a less invasive option for this patient with a resistant disease course. The long-lasting effect is debatable since the evidence demonstrates the deeply located infundibular cells to be responsible for recurrences.
Objectives: It is always more desirable to choose the easiest ways to achieve the best results. However, this is not always possible. The best procedure to achieve the best result should be chosen. We need to realize that sometimes we have huge huge responsibilities in front of the Patient. But do we really know about this treatment, its complications and Can we really explain to our patients all WHYs, risks and alternatives? This interesting case has forced myself for a research which definitely has been made before. Results: Male Patient desired to have as bigger breast as possible has been injected with a Polyacrylamide Hydrogel into the Breasts areas and had been extensively infected afterwards.
After infection has been stopped, by taking huge risk I operated Patient with Breast Revision surgery by cleaning breast pockets from Polyacrylamide Hydrogel and replacement of new breast implants by recreating new healthy implant pockets regarding Conclusion: It is always more desirable to choose the easiest ways to achieve the best results. Objectives: Tuberous sclerosis angiofibromas may be disfiguring; thus have a negative impact on the quality of life of aspecially young patients.
Angiofibromas may be treated by different surgical approaches including electrocauterization, scalpel surgery, vascular and ablative lasers. More recently, sirolimus, as a topical agent has been shown to have substantial effect on angiofibromas. Introduction: Herein we report our experience with a year old female patient with extensive angiofibroma lesions located on bilateral malar regions, the nose and the chin. One year following topical sirolimus treatment, the papular lesions completely disappeared and the erythema completely faded except for the tip of the nose still demonstrating some telenjiectatic vessels.
Conclusion: The combination of erbium:yag laser and topical sirolimus had the advantage of a rapid treatment response.
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